2019 WUC Challenge Update

2019 WUC Challenge Update

So the 2019 challenge has been more challenging then many can imagine, due to YHC having to be at corporate have not had much time to dedicate to tracking, reviewing scale pics (many need some pedicures), and sending out update. But have decided to schedule a “conference call” to get out first round of updates.

Note: Current scoring excludes unofficial weight loss #’s will try to get a good update from all next week to include.

Deadwood / Tupperware12
Rudy / Recalc10
Foundation / Rubbermaid10
Zin / Dancing Bear9
Banjo / Jingles6
Wedding Singer /Knish1

Deadwood /Tupperware – it appears in week 1 they do what they know best and that is Q. Unfortunately points for Qing are capped, so Deadwood will not be able to Q himself to victory here. But he has taught the young jedi how to gain points by Qing at Chiseled last week and have started off with a solid 12 point posting performance. Also – Kudos for bringing along a FNG

Rudy/ Recalc – appears that Recalc is going to lean on the Golden Domer to bring home a victory in this competition. Rudy not only timed up his VQ correctly, he was consistent in posting even if it meant coming in at Jingles time to make Chiseled. Recalc went MIA for a bit during week and was off normal posting schedule but was able to still break out the Karate Kid headband for a 4 pt performance. We will see if Coach Hurley will inspire a better performance in upcoming weeks

Foundation /Rubbermaid – Unfortunately Help Desk was hit with injury bug, but thankfully Rubbermaid has stepped in. Get better soon Help Desk and look to see you back out there soon. YHC has tried to come out gate strong and maybe counteract the late night cookies by attending extra workouts and ensuring a Q mixed in. Excited for opportunity to work with the Lieutenant and finish in the money

Zin having to carry the weight by attending workouts, but Dancing Bear doing best to send others to workouts while catching a few extra Zzzz’s in the morning. Dancing Bear – way to work the loop hole and still collect points from comfort of bedroom.

Banjo / Jingles – have split duties with Banjo attending workouts and Jingles on the mend for few he has resorted to starvation to collecting points. Jingles has unintentionally assisted YHC with losing appetite by sending scale pic with those gnarly talons in focus

Wedding Singer / Knish – started in hole this week and Knish/Commish has been MIA, but we expect to see a resurrection in the coming weeks and rumor has it that Wedding Singer has resorted to only baby formula until competition is over to further slim down.

Overall – good week it appears with many ensuring to attend workouts and push beyond comfort zone. Look forward to seeing results in upcoming weeks.

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Foundation author

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