Back to School, Very Un-Moderate, Beatdown

Back to School, Very Un-Moderate, Beatdown

14 men including me this Monday morning, I was VQ
-Slaughter Starter (modified – 10 burpees versus 20)
-Ran to William Davie Park (approximately .5 mile) and assaulted the artificial turf field
MERKIN LADDER – Back goal line launch to line in front of goal, 20 merkins, run back to starting point, 19 merkins, run to next line, 18 merkins, continue to do this countdown until it’s just 1 merkin
RED BARCHETTA – Back goal line launch to other side of field back goal line. Perform 100 SSHs. Run back to launch point.
-do the same for approx. 75 yds then 75 mountain climbers
-do the same for approx. 50 yds then 50 imperial walkers
-do the same for approx.. 25 yds then 25 merkins
-do the same for approx. 10 yds then 10 burpees

Listened to constant heckling & complaining throughout workout. Sunday School kids don’t complain as much as this…
-Ran back to AO (approximately .5 mile)
-Circled up and worked on our ABCs – 6 inch leg lift while writing out the alphabet in CAPITAL LETTERS (each man sounding off a letter(s) in alphabetical order.

End of Story

Goonie Edit: the merkin ladder was an @$$-kicker. Very un-moderate. Sardine may never be allowed to Q Base Camp again.

Convergence – Labor Day
Crane Relay – Oct 26th

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Goonie author

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