SuperMonday at Matrix

SuperMonday at Matrix

After yesterday’s downpour, had to make some adjustments to the virtual weinke to avoid destroying the soccer fields.  Stayed mostly on terra firma this morning which worked out fine and kept the pax mostly dry.  10 of south charlottes finest resisted calling in sick following the superbowl and punched the clock ready to put in work at the Matrix.  After a moving disclaimer, this is what we did to shake out the cobwebs from last nights game.

run to lower lot for cot
SSH x20 IC
Diamond Merkin x20 IC
Imperial Walker x20 IC
Squat x20 IC
Wide Arm Merkin x20 IC

Run to top lot and Find a Partner (picked up the last two arrivals on the way)

P1 runs around carpool circle (~250 Meters)
P2 completes the following (10 pullup/10 knee raises 20 Triceps dips)

Stay w partner and head to middle parking lot

1 Partner on Each Side (roughly 30 parking spaces between one another)

Heading toward your Partner on the other side of the Lot – 1 Merkin – crawl foward – 2 Merkin crawl forward – meet in the middle around line 15 for 5 Handslap merkins

Jog to the track for Four Corners work

Lap 1 20 squats each corner / Plankaram

Lap 2 20 Carolina Dry Docks each corner / Plankarama

Lap 3 LBC at each corner / Plankaram

Lap 4 Wide Arm Merkins at each corner / Plankarama

Head to Center Lot
Heading toward your Partner on the other side of the Lot – 1 Squat – lunge walk forward – 2 Squat – lunge walk forward – meet in the middle around line 15

Head to Playground
P1 Wall sit with 30 Arm Raises
P2 Inlcine merkins on shacky benches x20
Three Rounds

Down to Lower lot for extended Plankarama
AYG to the Cars Purcell Rachel orange

Mary (Flutter x30, LBC x20, Freddy Merk x20, Side LBC rht x10, lft x10)
Times UP

Moleskin: Having only posted at #theMatrix one time over the past 4 years, honestly had to look up the launch point and make sure I had a google maps view of the AO. In my defense, I typically take Mondays off to give the body a bit of recovery. Turns out that Matrix is chalked full of bada$$’s as evident by the solid group of 10 that posted the morning after Superbowl sunday. Not a ton of chatter today, as my guess everyone was nursing a wee headache and a little less sleep than usual on a sunday eve. Tried to keep things moving with a focus on upper body. Hopefully everyone was able to get something positive out of this mornings 1st F. Strong work out there by all, the group pretty much stayed together for the majority of the workout. The AYG at the end had Purell, Rachel and Orangewhip out front pushing a blistering pace. Thank you for letting me lead.

Announcements: keep an eye out for Speedforneed races


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Fletch author

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