Running on Empty

Running on Empty

So the rains flew by in the night leaving wet streets, a few puddles and a decent temperature for running. My plans were simply to venture out a bit…and that we did. Quick disclaimer to some regulars and off we went.

Of course lots of pontificating on what “least popular territory” I was referring to in the pre-tweet. Once the group passed the first mile mark with no sign of stopping, there was an annoyed buzz in the air. Alas we reached Beverly Crest after 2 miles straight of Hwy 51. From there we split up on a lovely wide street ran opposite directions doing 15 merkins at the end then rejoining for 15 jump squats in the middle. Most repeated it twice, some had to cut it short, some did extra. And then with 20 minutes remaining we headed back….(Queue the music)

Personally, I felt pretty good en route to Beverly Crest and not too bad during the back and forth…although the hill on one side snuck up on me. Going back, once we crossed Providence, dodged traffic to get back on the south side of 51, it became a decent haul and my pace slowed. There was lots of chatter along the way both ways directions: Alf was bragging to Pop Tart about his Hokies embarassing the Tar Heels the night before. Rachel, Purple Haze and I were just commenting on the puddles and pace. I didn’t hear much from Margo and ReTread both focused on the long haul. Astro cruised along reminiscing of colder days and his warm beanie. What wasn’t Benny talking about?!

Great group this am. Minimum distance was 6 miles, max was just over 7. Thanks to Haze and Rachel for letting me lead. Thanks to Astro for the takeout prayer.


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Fault Line author

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6 years ago

Aka giving you grief to why we hadn’t stopped running yet. You picked a good one as always Fault Line, great Q today and a pretty good course you had set for us.

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