Wingin’ It

  • When:10/19/2017
  • The PAX: NoRegerts, BlazinSaddles, Purell, Smokey, YL

Wingin’ It

About a week ago, a call went out for someone to step-up and Q as the regularly scheduled leader was apparently planning to be MIA this fine morning. I could’ve sworn someone responded and agreed to take it, but apparently they thought they were volunteering to be MIA themselves this morning. Didn’t know that was an option. Fast forward to today and when 5 of us circled up, kettlebells smartly arrayed in front of us, we figured out pretty quickly that none of us had planned to lead. So, with a shrug and a disclaimer (including a first ever: “I don’t know what I have planned today, but proceed at your own risk”), we began.


  • Initiate Blood Flow: SSHs, imperial walkers, squats, mountain climbers, something else, another thing, and, oh yeah, 100 swings.
  • The Meat Grinder part 1: Kettlebell flow — 1-handed swings, hi-pulls, cleans, press, squat; R then L; ascending reps 2,4,6,8,10
  • Intermission: 100 swings, 20 2-handed press
  • Meat Grinder part 2: Kettlebell flow — same as above, descending reps 8,6,4,2
  • Cooldown: overhead waiter carry to the school and back
  • COT


  • SiteQs were last seen hiding in the bushes muttering something about pushing pax into a deep end and new form of leadership development called Trial by Fire. Little did they know, we don’t rattle. If I hadn’t stepped up I’m sure any of the other fine gents would’ve directed the proceedings. All except maybe Smokey…something about a warm car and a comfy seat…
  • Worst part about Qing without a plan… definitely missed the tunes today. Told the PAX I’d lead but I wouldn’t sing. There is not a disclaimer powerful enough to cover my pitch or poor lyrical memory, especially while swinging a bell.
  • Small crew so we took 30 seconds (i.e., we were out of breath and needed a short break) to learn a little about each others story. Nutshell: God has blessed each of us in different ways, over and through different paths, but HE IS FAITHFUL. Also, if I remember this correctly, he has blessed us (collectively) with 10 girls and 5 boys. That’s a lot of blessing right there (and good odds for our boys, cause knowing us, they’re gonna need it!)
  • Congrats to No Regerts! T-minus 2 weeks on the upcoming wedding! Forgot to ask whether you were going to go with real rings or those tattoo versions. Inquiring minds want to know.


  • Prayers, love and support for The Shore and family.
  • Hug your (15) kids. Love unlimited, not least of which because HE FIRST LOVED US.

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Young Love author

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6 years ago

Nice BB YL. Sounds like a great work out! Thanks for stepping up!
Sorry to have missed it. Looking forward to getting back to Meathead in the next few weeks…

6 years ago

Thanks for stepping up and Qing, Young Love. As mentioned in previous backblasts, emails, and announcements, Witch Doctor and YHC (as Meathead’s new co-site Qs) are implementing a new Q appointment process whereby an email goes out to the Meathead regulars asking them to Q certain weeks. Apparently there are a few kinks that still need to be worked out…

It looks like a worthy beatdown was delivered. Sorry for the lack of tunes. YHC is back tomorrow after missing last week, but then gone the next two weeks. #cobains Looking forward to a good one tomorrow from our boy, Sanka.

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