Lizards & Pigeons & Anchors, Oh My!

  • When:10/18/2017
  • QIC: Madison
  • The PAX: Swiss Miss, Village People, Grave Dancer, Jello, Chopper (R)

Lizards & Pigeons & Anchors, Oh My!

Gumby is one of those AOs that everyone seems to know exists but know very little about. The thing is, it’s an AO that everyone needs. I found that out the hard way by missing more than I was able to attend this Summer and I really paid the price.  #F3Gumby a/k/a Stretching and Yoga encourage better circulation of blood throughout the body, including to the joints and muscles. This yields quicker healing of any muscle injuries and more nutrients coming to the muscles at all times, but that’s not why you are here.  You’re here to find out what we did, what we listened to and read about any shenanigans that happened during the most climate controlled workout of the week.

It all started with a disclaimer and an admission that during prep, YHC discovered there were 2 types of Yoga – Vinyasa Yoga (yoga flow) and Yin Yoga (slower pace & hold poses longer).  This discovery naturally led to a practice of both during our 45 minutes.

The devotional came from Hebrews 6:13-20


The Thang

A series of deconstructed Sun Salutations to get warmed up, stopping at various points along the way to feel the stretch:

  • 1st stop – table top for cat/cow
  • 2nd stop – plank for 5 count merkins X 3
  • 3rd stop – downward facing dog

Flow thru Sun Salutation to a series of Warrior poses (each leg)

Crescent pose –> Warrior 1 –> Warrior 2 –> Peaceful Warrior –> Warrior 2 –> Warrior 1 –> Warrior 3.  Flow thru Sun Salutation to a series of Warrior poses.

Flow thru Sun Salutation to Runners Lunge –> Lizard Pose –> Pigeon. (This began our series of Yin poses).  Hold each pose for 1 minute.  Switch legs & repeato

Come to a seated positon with legs crossed.  Hands on knees and rotate at the waist right X 3 then left X 3.

Walk hands out front

Fold front leg behind you (think hurdler’s stretch). Keep inside leg bent in front.  Walk hands out to front (hold), walk them in the direction of the inside leg (hold).  Hands behind & walk/lean back to stetch quad.  Switch legs & repeato.

On your back.  Pull R leg in towards armpit.  Grab strap & wrap around ball of foot.  Hold strap & extend leg (hold).  Hold both ends of strap in R hand & let leg fall to right (hold).  Back to center – hold both ends in L hand and let leg fall to left.  Repeat process on left side.

Corpse pose

Time is up!



Not much to report here other than Swiss Miss giving YHC grief for wearing a Road ID to a yoga class.  #safetyfirst.  All in all it was a pretty quiet crowd in terms of mumble chatter.  I like to think it was because of the awesome Pink Floyd playlist.  The Yin poses (and holds) did provide plenty of grunts & groans. As mentioned earlier, I have been MIA due to work or other Q’ing responsibilities, so it was good to be back.  It was even better to see so many new faces.  Keep up the good work men!  As always, it was an honor to lead.



  • Kintetic Trips this Friday – Check Slack for info
  • Let them Soark 5K on 11/4.  Check Twitter for pre-blast & sign up on the race site.



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Madison author

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