Time to bring out the rope

  • When:04/26/17
  • QIC: Swiss Miss
  • The PAX: Dora, Mad, Elrod, Geraldo, Lois, Tweetsie, Madison, Playoffs, Slingblade, Bullwinkle, Swiss Miss (Q)

Time to bring out the rope

It was nice to head out without getting rained on this morning.  Even if it was only to walk to the scout hut.

Disclaimer given, we got started with some sleep . . . well, not exactly.  Here’s what really went down:

Meditation/Reflection: shavasana and breathe
TABLE TOP: Cat/Cow -> Plank -> Down Dog (Walk the dog) -> Half-way Lift -> Forward Fold -> (i.e. Sun Salutations) once slowly with Q, then 2X OYO – follow breath, meet in Mountain
Mountain -> Plank -> lower through chaturanga to Up Dog and hold.
Sun Salutation, stopping in Mountain
Eagle Pose – on right leg, R arm over L. Hold 5 breaths. Flapjack and hold 5 breaths
Chair to sit and then savasana
Neck stretch: right hand under hip, left hand over head and gently pull head to left and hold 10 breaths. Flapjack with 10-breath hold.
Bit of Abs: Canoe/Boat
Up to Seated. Right leg straight, left leg bent with foot flat beside inner thigh. Twist left with elbow. Back straight, head last. Hold 5 breaths, try to get bit more stretch each exhale. Release with head first then back. Flapjack for 5-breath hold.
Lie down and grasp knees to chest. Rock side to side for a bit, the rock front to back getting bigger and bigger until come to feet and hands.
Plank. Once all in, Sun Salutation 2X OYO. Meet in Mountain.

Lower down through Chair to 6. Lie down. Start hip stretches with rope:
Alternating knee to chest 5 rounds of R/L. Start w/1 breath then +1 each round
Alternating straight leg up (with towel or strap). 2 rounds w/5 breaths per side. Feet @90 to legs and toes pulled in to shin. Press through both heels. GENTLE HAMSTRING STRETCH. Total 2X/side.
Straight leg to side: Return to your right side and take both strap ends in your right hand, extending your left arm along the floor. Exhale to lower your right leg to the right. Try to keep your left hip on the floor and your left kneecap pointing up. You should feel a stretch in your inner right thigh, but no lower-back strain. Inhale to lift your right leg back up; exhale to release it to the floor. Switch sides. 5 breaths. Total 2X/side.
Inhale to bring your right leg back to vertical. With the strap around the arch of your foot, bring both ends into your left hand. Place your right thumb into your right hip crease and draw your hip down slightly so that you maintain length and space in the lower back. Exhale to draw your leg left across your body. 5 breaths. Inhale to bring your leg back to vertical. Release the strap and switch legs. 5 breaths. Total 2X/side.
Dead Pigeon. 10 breaths. Switch sides and repeat. Total 1X/side

Lie down for shavasana (revisit meditation)

Q-school Saturday in UCo at Sun Valley BoJangles at 6:30
Richard Sheltra Memorial 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday. Preblast here.
Sign up to Q Gumby here.

Great to welcome two new site FNGs: Mad and Elrod. T-claps for coming to give Gumby a try – AND for bringing your own mat.
We never get enough time to stretch everything, but today YHC tried to hit most. Some arm/shoulder and neck stretching, which we don’t often do, plus some hip/hammie, which we usually do, but today we went after it in a different way.
Hope the stretching helped you loosen up all the tightness from workouts – and regular work.
High Tide has the Q next week, so you know it’ll be great. EH your neighbor or co-worker – plenty of space in the scout hut for more pax.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

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