I’m making a face, but it’s not a Cow Face

  • When:10/26/16
  • QIC: Swiss Miss
  • The PAX: Pop, Horse Head, Stone Cold, Witch Doctor, Paper Jam High Tide, Lois, Tweetsie, Swiss Miss

I’m making a face, but it’s not a Cow Face

Nine men of iron met in the ‘Nest to work out some of the kinks brought on by the Skunk and various other F3 sharpening activities. With disclosure given, it was time to “jump” into things. Which is just what we did, after a brief devo about a lifestyle of Forgiveness.

Savasana w/Devotion: Ephesians 4:31-32

The Main Thang:
TABLE TOP: Cat/Cow (5 Breaths) -> RIGHT leg straight then to left on toes and bend to left to look at right foot (5B) -> Cat/Cow (3B) -> LEFT leg straight then to right on tows and bend to look at left foot (5B)-> Cat/Cow (2B)
Plank -> Up Dog -> Down Dog (Walk the dog) -> Half-way Lift -> Forward Fold -> (i.e. Sun Salutations) once slowly with Q, then 2X OYO – follow breath, meet in Mountain

Step back to middle of mat and take a seat for HIP STRETCHING.
Put right let out, bend the left leg and draw it in toward your chest. Hold the knee and foot and press them together, or if you have the flexibility, cradle the upper leg with the knee and foot in the crook of your elbows and interlace your fingers. Then work into the hip joint by moving your bent leg slowly from side to side. Take time to move your hip through its full range of motion. 10 Breaths. Slowly release the left foot and straighten the left leg, draw the right in and repeato for 10B.
Switch to Plank -> Sun Salutations OYO 2X, stop at Plank 2nd time through and meet in Table Top. Push back to come to seated position for another HIP OPENER.
Put LEFT knee on right thigh and tuck right ankle under so shins are aligned (or as close as possible). Let gravity draw the knees down. If you can/want to increase the hip opening, lean forward and try to place hands in front on the ground. Keep weight even on both sit bones. Hold for 10 breaths. Flapjack and hold for 10B. DON’T RELEASE, but instead try to roll forward so you come to Table Top. -> Plank.
Sun Salutation all the way through OYO, stopping in Plank after 2nd time. Then meet in Table Top. Push back to seated.

IT Band Flow
Right leg over left leg with knees as close to stacked as possible and feet near hips. Spine tall, shoulders relaxed. Settle into this pose for 5 breaths. (This is sort of “Cow Face” for those keeping score at home.)
Twist to the right and draw up your right knee to your chest with right foot flat on the floor, left foot tucked next to right thigh. Right hand behind you. Let your shoulders and back do more twisting than your neck. Hold 5 breaths.
Rotate to left and place hands flat as you move into lunge with right hand on the INSIDE of right foot. Left hand in line with Right hand and Right foot. Left leg back and straight with toes on the ground. Goal is straight line from left ankle to head, gaze down in front of hands, right thigh part of the line formed by left leg/spine.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Walk hands to the left as you straighten right leg for wide-legged forward fold.
Hold for 5 breaths.
If your hands aren’t already flat on the ground, walk the out until they are, then twist left hand high. Try to twist shoulders enough to have left arm directly over right arm, which is on the ground.
Hold for 5 breaths. Flapjack and hold 5B.
Walk hands to the left and straighten right leg to get into lunge with left hand on inside of left foot. Straight leg/spine. Hold 5B.
Transition back to seated with LEFT leg on top. Twist to the left with same attention to feet, legs, back, shoulders and first twist. Hold for 5 breaths.
Gently move back to seated, uncross legs and come to Plank.

Sun Salutation 3X OYO. Stop in Plank after 3rd time and meet in Table Top.

Toe stretch: Place feet with toes on ground and push back to bring weight to bear on the toes as you either sit fully on your toes (i.e. Catcher) or keep some weight in your hands to soften the stretch. Take 10 breaths to relax into this pose, letting the tension go from your feet. Come back down to knees and hands and pick up toes and take a breath to flex them.

Crescent Moon: Push back into kneeling position. Step with RIGHT foot forward with knee bent so right thigh is parallel to floor. Stretch left leg back with knee and shin and top of foot on the mat. Hands on right knee, extend stretch deeper, keeping right knee over ankle. Raise both arms above head stretching all the way through to the finger tips. Lift the chest. Lengthen tailbone down toward floor and increase stretch on front left thigh. Let hips drop. Curve spine in the middle and gracefully extend arms overhead and back a bit as you press chest forward and up. Palms face each other. Gaze up to sky. Hold for 5 breaths before bringing hands down to floor, come back to Table Top and switch sides. Hold 5 breaths

Back to Table Top. Then Plank. Sun Salutation 3X OYO.
REPEATO Crescent Moon R/L for 5B each side

Lower down to sitting, bring soles of feet together and make back straight from bottom of spine to top of neck. Lean forward and grab feet with hands, and use arms to pull legs toward body and bend at hips, keeping back straight. 10 breaths.
Hug RIGHT knee while left leg straight 5B, then flapjack 5B. -> Extended Child’s Pose to ease lower back tightness. 10 Breaths -> up to Table Top ->

Toe stretch

Actually didn’t have time for COT.
Or announcements.

Since we lost several PAX at the 6:15 point, and since YHC is not able/willing to roll his reveille back another 15 minutes, High Tide and I decided the 60-minute format will go on the shelf as a “tried that, didn’t adopt it” idea. We’ll continue to start at 0530 and end at 0615. We’ll just be sure to take time for the stretching to sink in during the 45 minutes we have. For those wanting to do more (like a certain seagull manager who shall remain nameless), there are plenty of other options, like pre-stretching (instead of pre-KB/pre-run), supplementing with OYO at home, or launching another flex workout.

We’re continuing to fine tune Gumby, so please feel free to offer input, well only if you actually post there more than once. Music is an ongoing opportunity, so no need to bring that up. Also, the latte machine will be back online next week.

Oh, and yes, after consulting with the proper authority, YHC can confirm that sun salutation does technically count as a modified burpie. Not sure who asked, but I hope that’s the answer you wanted. If not, feel free to forget what you just read.

Thanks for posting, gentlemen. It’s a pleasure and challenge to lead.

Ephesians 4:31-32 New Living Translation (NLT)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

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Swiss Miss author

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High Tide
7 years ago

T-claps, Swiss! And, thanks for the burpee credit. I owed Stone Cold a few from Skunkworks this week.

Re the time slot, the feedback was, with only 45 minutes, they were just getting loosened up when we were out of time. Walking in cold, I also take a little time to loosen up. I have found, even a brief pre-KB or pre-run does make a difference in how quickly I warm up. I encourage others to give this a shot to see if it makes a difference for you as well.

Meanwhile, as SM says above, please continue to share your feedback as we seek to optimize the opportunity.


7 years ago

I did a lot of hot yoga back in the day and never had a problem warming up so the pre-run certainly helps a lot in regular temp yoga.

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