Good and Turible

  • When:02/23/16
  • QIC: Busch
  • The PAX: MAD, Destiny, Bananas, Brown, Header, Harley, Fletch, Yeti, Dollywood, Stonecold, Arena, Freedom

Good and Turible

Good and Turible

SSH X 30
IW X 20
Merkin X 50
Two Handed Swings X 30
T Bag Squats X 30
Two Handed Swings X 50

Partner up with like sized bell
Mosey to field
50 yard distance – there and back x 2
Partner 1 does Farmers Carry while partner 2 does burpees flapjack X 2 (IF KB is less than 40 lbs must do 3 times)
Partner 1 does Cleans while partner 2 sprints X 2 (Alternate hands when partner hits other side of field)
Partner 1 does Snatches while partner 2 sprints X 2
Partner 1 does Double KB Deadlift while partner 2 sprints X 2
Partner 1 does Clean and Press while partner 2 sprints X 2
Partner 1 does High Pulls while partner 2 sprints X 2
Partner 1 does Double KB Deadlift while partner 2 sprints double the distance X 2
Partner 1 does Clean and Press while partner 2 sprints double the distance X 2
Partner 1 does Farmers Carry while partner 2 does burpees X 2 (If less than 40 lb KB must do X 3 each)

Mosey back to lot and circle up
20 Clean and Press
20 Snatch
20 High Pulls
20 Two Handed Swings

Name change: Alfred Neuman from “Carebear” to “MAD”

It turned out to be great weather, the threat of rain kept some people home, but people were shedding clothing as the workout progressed since it was so warm and the rain held off. It was truly a bunch of studs that made it out, the pace was pushed by all on the runs and the KB work was brutal just on its own merits. The lads were encouraged to use the largest KBs they could to try to truly build strength on this workout, but because the boys were sprinting on all the runs, Harley said he barely got 4 reps in for each arm at Fletch’s pace. Dollywood and Fletch were flying in my group, and Yeti, Harley, Arena, and Stonecold were battling it out with the other group…Harley was pushing it so hard he even lost his footing on one of the turns do to the slick turf…Arena is going to talk with the facilities crew to remedy that, he has pull there! These young bucks that are coming out are continuing to push the “Old Guard”. Bananas and Header had their own race going…who was the fastest of the Chatty Cathys. All joking aside, that is definitely one of the best parts of F3, catching up with buds! It is so hard during the week with life at the crazy pace it has become, workouts give us that opportunity that is often missed. I called out Bananas on his clean and press KB weight choice of 50 lbs instead of his usual 60…but he reminded me he did 80 lb dumbbell shoulder presses at the gym yesterday #BigOleMeat. He is keeping his inner Meathead and Gym Ratness going on Mondays and Fridays at the warm, dry gym #Softhands. MAD being new to KBs went with a 35lber and rocked it, his partner Destiny and Freedom at their locamotive pace are always steady and strong…they were really pushing it and each other. Bananas said Brown really enjoyed the workout, and he encouraged others to try his new strength and speed supplement of Nyquil before F3…he said it was a great combo! Brown is ecstatic with his choice to now embrace running, third in love only to his Lord and family…he came out of the womb swinging a KB so that is second nature to him. Hopefully this workout challenged people to try to move to the next level in KB weight, you don’t get stronger if you don’t push yourself or your Brother.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead from Harley and my body double, Fireman Ed!

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8 years ago

That was a tough one. It’s all Header’s fault. I’m not a talker.

Stone Cold
8 years ago

Nice one, Busch. Crossfit like, I assume…slinging the iron and running, getting the ole heart rate up. Harley’s slip was Epic (as the kids say). Even the Chinese Judge scored it a 10. Stuck the landing. Next time we see Fireman Ed, we’ll hold him down and give him the ole “pink belly” treatment.

8 years ago

Great Q Busch. My first F3 KB work out and a much needed name change – what a great morning!

8 years ago

I had no 02 to chat. Trying to keep up with Header and Busch. 2 miles and the double squats has me hobbling around. Good one fosho

8 years ago

Great Q Busch. Glad you didn’t audible when you saw how sloppy the field was. Running through and around the mud puddles kept my mind off of the pain.

8 years ago

Never take 8 weeks off because you feel like it. Never work out with a head cold. Never take NyQuil less than 8 hours before you post. Other than that, thanks for posting what I didn’t remember doing.

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