“So what? You put on a little weight.” **

“So what? You put on a little weight.” **

Dr. Pete Novos: So what? You put on a little weight.

Scott Calvin: Weight? Does this look like a little weight to you?

Dr. Pete Novos: Weight can fluctuate from year to year.

Dr. Pete Novos: Fluctuate? You make it sound like I’m retaining water. I’ve gained 45 pounds in a week. Pete, what’s happening to me?

Dr. Pete Novos: Well, what’s your diet like?

Scott Calvin: Milk and cookies.

Dr. Pete Novos: Really?

Scott Calvin: But I don’t finish all the milk.

Dr. Pete Novos: Well then there is your problem. Just try to [run The Wiggler], okay?

Come run The Wiggler and keep those unsightly holiday pounds off. Corner of Foxcroft and Rothwood – 5:45 am launch. Tell your friends. Yuletide pace…

**The Santa Clause

About the author

Kenyon Slider author

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