+-20 Pax Lose an Opportunity

  • When:11/2/2015
  • QIC: Chelms
  • The PAX: Chelms aka tater tot (Q), BOG (WD), Tiger Rag, Agony, Bushwood, Pot Hole, Razerback, Doogie

+-20 Pax Lose an Opportunity

Eight of South Charlotte’s strongest (the rest were afraid they might get wet) gathered to start the week off right at DMZ.   Yes it was raining but F3 is about pushing outside your comfort zone so that’s what we did (under the cover of the portico at the church).  For all those worried bout the rain, here’s what you missed:

The Thang

Mosey over to portico (wood/brick columns but still meet the definition I think) for alternating COP and running in the rain ( we had to get a little wet otherwise our wives wouldn’t believe we worked out)

Round 1 – SSH, slow squats, merkins, she hate me (squats, merkins, mountain climbers), 5 burpees OYO, run around the back

Round 2 – Plank for the six, diamonds, CDD, stagger right merkins, stagger left merkins, Peter Parkers,10 burpees OYO, run around the back

Round 3 – Six minutes of Mary (LBC, Rosalita, low flutter, knee ups), 15 burpees OYO, run around back

Round 4 – Peoples chair (one legged at times) with air presses, balls to the wall, LBC, 20 burpees OYO, run around back

Round 5 – Wall circuit (jump ups, decline merkins, dips) – 20 and than 15, 15 burpees OYO, run around back

Round 6 – Plank, jumping lunges, partner sit ups (20 and than 15), leg throws, 10 burpees OYO, run around back

Round 7 – Plank and 5 burpess OYO to finish


Naked Moleskin:

The rain was a blessing as original plan was bent Jacob on the steep slope in Mountain Brook with burpees (1 to 7), jumping lunges (2 to 14) and jump squats (3 to 21).   I for one was happy to have the rain force an audible.   This workout was not overly difficult but we worked the entire body (only thing missing were pull ups – I need a lot of those).

Eight was a perfect number as we fit easily into the portico and the smaller group helped me remember all the names (didn’t need the iphone).  Pot Hole is possibly the most consistent attendee at Carmel Road so T- claps.  Bushwood left the kids at home alone but TR or Agony pointed out not to worry as he lived so close we could hear the smoke alarm if it went off.  TR of course did only half the exercises – he needs to publish a list of approved exercises so we can keep the nantan of South Charlotte engaged.  Agony pointed out repeatedly how he loathed burpees but the audible to jumping lunges didn’t seem to make him any happier.  Agony, Bushwood, and TR kept pushing the pace on the runs while BOG, Razorback and Doogie made sure they didn’t get too far ahead. I was the one squealing like a pig trying to keep up.   Pig

As always, it was an honor to lead this am and I appreciate all the support (and limited haranguing).


Except when Simba fartsacks and Bushwood has daddy duty, Third F at Dunkin Donuts after DMZ.

Metro versus South Charlotte soccer match this Saturday in Matthews.   It should be awesome and wish I were in town even though I have never played soccer in my life.

Watch out for more detail on the South Charlotte Christmas party (somewhere in South Charlotte and some date I forgot).

Sign up for Joe Davis Memorial run on Saturday, January 9 at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill – sign up at Joe Davis Run Sign UP,  Great way to start the new year.

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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8 years ago

Enjoyed it Chelms (aka Tater Tot, aka Old, aka Churpee, aka Pig)!

Kids were OK when I got home #Dadoftheyear. As TR said, #FreeRange parenting.

Razorback stopped short on the 20 sit-ups because he said he had to fart. Really appreciate that. Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for not farting in my face.

Also, Agony was consistently inconsistent on the AYG’s around the church. On some he was up front, on others he was last.

Semi-Gloss was at home fartsacking so RallyPoint had to be cancelled today. Actually, he was sick #legit.

8 years ago

To clarify…On some I was first…on one I still doing burpees when you all left me. #Kryponite
I appreciate all those concerned conversations at the COT of DMZ and Govenator, but Mondays & Wednesdays are my recovery days….just saying.

Plus, I was just waiting in the bus stop for 405 to the mall, when 9 strange men in back drug me out into the rain.

Thankfully the warm weather will guarantee a head-cold but not walking pneumonia.


Reply to  Agony
8 years ago

It has been drawn to my attention I was wrong.



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