

Thirty dudes posted at Death Valley for the latest installment of the Gopher workout.  Some have done this workout before and some had not.  All suffered from O2 deprivation though.  10 guys (I think I got everyone) posted to swing some heavy metal beforehand….with tunes!

Jog down to football field to launch the Gopher. 


  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Mountain Climber 20
  • Explain the gopher workout


Half mile loop around the South Charlotte Middle School athletic fields with 7 pain stations completed each lap:

     1) Bear crawl 50 yds. across football field.

     2) 25 LBC’s

     3) Lunge walk to end zone and complete 25 merkins.

     4) Run around track to opposite end zone and complete 25 merkins.

     5) Run to baseball field and complete 25 dips.

     6) Complete 20 up and over railing hops.

     7) Run up steps to concession stand and complete 15 burpees then run back to start line.

Repeato until 0615.



  • After tweeting out last night that today would be the Gopher workout, I was met with questions this morning about what is the Gopher.  You’ll see.
  • It was difficult to tell in the dark, but I think it was Joker (in the fuzzy wool vest), Salt Lick and Soul Glo crushing the course.  Strong work, fellas.
  • T-claps to Bulldog and Cottonmouth, who sported their cool ruck sacks throughout the workout.  Of course, everyone else believes they were probably empty.  Or maybe they just had snacks in there.
  • The group was pretty spread out today, so I didn’t hear too much mumble chatter.  Purple Haze, The Shore and I were in agreement that we couldn’t wait to get to the LBC’s as that seemed like a break.  Sound off in the comments with other observations. 


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10 years ago

I did the whole thing thinking it was the Groundhog, since you repeat the same thing over and over (you know, like the Bill Murray movie). Every time I came to the burpees, I thought to myself, “why do I continue to do this?”

Now I learn that it is in fact the gopher, and not the groundhog.

What’s that about?

– HH

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