SNOWVERGENCE or not – Anvil/Death Valley

SNOWVERGENCE or not – Anvil/Death Valley

39 Hearty souls (significantly outstripping YHC’s expectations) posted (with ~20 for pre KB workout).  Not wanting to stand around and get cold, the pax set off:

The Thang:

Quick warm up run to Rea road, hitting the Rea road entrance hill twice to get the blood flowing to then circle up in the large parking lot area:

SSH x 25

IW x 20

Merkins x 15

Hands in armpits Squats x 20

Indian Run to the soccer fields (didn’t quite go as well as thought)

Line up at the top of the hill, number into two teams to form 2 lines

Shoulder close for merkins x 5 IC

Tunnel of love x 2

10 burpees oyo (directions need to be followed)

Partner up to wheelbarrow to the end of the field, flapjack and return

(lunge walk as needed)

Bear crawl (part #1)/crab walk (part #2) across field – switch with partner as needed

(lunge walk as needed)

sprint last few yards to hand off to Hops:

Jog w/partner from soccer pitch to baseball field

Everyone grab a rock from pile and circle up in left field

Partner 11’s: Merkins – Partner 1 starts at 1 merkin up to 10, Partner 2 starts at 10 down to 1

Old school sit-ups x 20 with partner holding feet while planking.  Flapjack.

Partner 11’s: Overhead presses w/rock – same set-up as merkins above

Partner 11’s: Squats w/rock – same as above

Partner hand-slap merkins x 13

13 Burpees OYO

Old school sit-ups x 20 w/partner holding feet while planking.  Flapjack.

Makthar Ndjiaye’s x 13

High Slow Flutter x 20

CCVs x 13R & x13L



An unexpected number of pax posted for a great time and a little bit of a workout today.  That’s what happens when the Cantore name is invoked (especially if the weather doesn’t actually show up prior to post time).  Was truly an honour to lead this group.  Noticed a number of really strong efforts out there and given the size likely missed a large number as well.  Robin Hood pushing it hard out there even with all the running, Horsehead cranking out the old school situps as if he were still in junior high and TR killing pretty much every call (not that this is unusual but deserves a mention now and again).  Lot’s of mumblechatter, hopefully some of it constructive.

After Strange Brew gave Hops a nice shout-out prior to launch, others in the pax (namely Radar) were chucking snowballs at YHC throughout the workout.  Radar missed with every attempt; clearly never a baseball player.  A couple of the projectiles hit my partner Baracus I think – guilt by association brother.  Should be interesting at Day Zero when YHC is co-Q with Radar.

Plenty of refuseniks out there this morning….necessary modifications for some, weak sauce for others.  You know who you are.  Good humor as normal watching horrendous form on merkins, planks and squats.  Better results if you actually do the exercise correctly gents (TR told me to type that….not really….maybe).

Was fun to have a pax of 39 out there despite the deafening mumblechatter at times.

The pre-KB’ers were overly giddy after listening to Wham and Vanilla Ice for 30 minutes.  Pure comedy.

A special shout out to those pax wearing shorts annotated with an (s) in the pax list.  Strong, maybe crazy, but strong.


Young Life run coming up, Robin Hood with the details

Still time (but rapidly running out) to sign up for the Blue Ridge Relay, contact Baracus for details, need 4 more for a 4th A51 team

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Strange Brew author

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10 years ago

Thanks for leading the workout Brew. Good to get to meet you and hear your story. This SC Redneck has had about enough of this snow!

The pre-workout Vanilla Ice was almost more than I could stand. I suppose Bulldog looks a little like a mini Vanilla Ice if you squint.

– HH

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