A Soggy 12 Days of Pain…

A Soggy 12 Days of Pain…

14 waterlogged pax spouted out their wish lists for 12 days of pain.  Out of the gloom came 3 GoRuckers donning headlamps to join us in warm-ups.  Good work, men.  Aye!

The Thang:

Mosey to church breazeway for warm-ups:

  • Side Straddle Hop x 30
  • Squats x 25
  • Merkins x 20
  • LBCs x 30
  • Michael Phelps x 25

Run around church

Stop for 10 Turkish Getups

Sprint back to breazeway

  • Staggered Right Merkins x 10
  • Staggered Left Merkins x 10

Run to Ballencourt Lane

12 Days of Pain

Run down hill to end of cul-de-sac and back up

Pax calls out an exercise, then run, rinse, and repeat x 12

  • Burpees x 15
  • Mountain Climbers (single count) x 30
  • Wide Arm Merkins x 20
  • Rock Hoppers x 30
  • Diamond Merkins x 20
  • Baryshnikovs x 20
  • Flutters x 30
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20
  • Russion Twists x 20
  • The Dolley x 25
  • Jump Knee Tuck x 20
  • Elbow Plank x hold for 1 minute

Run back to church

Sprint to breazeway

  • Dips x 30
  • Shakiras x 20
  • Freddy Mercury x 60

Naked Moleskin:

  • Agony was donning his skimpy running shorts.  I guess that’s what he calls ReinGear.  He was proud of his pasty, white thighs.  At Governator we have a 10″ inseam minimum.
  • Good to see 3 GoRuck pax join in for warm-ups.  YHC couldn’t recognize them with all their gear on and headlamps shining in my face (Lickasickle, The Hoff, Dora?, ?)
  • Mr. Green brought FNG, Thurston Cook from Atlanta this gloom.  It was a consensus to go with the Gilligan’s Island theme.  Welcome F3 Minnow!
  • Wednesday, Jan 1 New Year’s Day convergence at Freedom Park, 0700.
  • Saturday, Jan 4 FNG focused workout launching at Indy
  • Saturday, Jan 4, Area 51 Convergence at F3 The Fort.  Workout followed by a 5K benefit
  • Saturday, Jan 11, The Murph and private screening of Lone Survivor at Phillips Place.
  • Merry Christmas everyone!


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Barracuda author

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10 years ago

Great way to start Christmastime!

10′ inseam? Overkill…in that chilly rainy weather 2-3′ would suffice.

10 years ago

Thanks for letting the SPEARHEAD crew crash the #DMZ Welcome Party! PAX were The Hoff, Dora, Liquor-Cycle AND Wolfman (silent warrior). Five minutes of fun.

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