Starting to grow

  • When:03/29/13
  • QIC: Escargot, Hops
  • The PAX: Escargot, Hops, Mall Cop, Eye Chart, Haggis, Strange Brew, Double D, Swift, Cannoli, Boomer, Bug Eater, Market Timer, Crab Cakes

Starting to grow

The Thang:

Jog to the East parking lot for warm up.

SSHs x25

Squats x20

Merkins x15

Mountain Climbers x20

Jog to the back door.

Wheel Barrows up the ramp, crab walk back.

10 Merkins

Rotate partners and do it again.

Jog to the front picnic tables

11s Step up and decline Merkins

Jog to the rear parking lot.

Sprint to each light pole, 5 Burpees at each pole.

10 Squats at the end, and return with 5 Burpees at each pole.


Hand off to Hops:

Jog to practice FB field, scale rock on the way.
2 lines in the end zone for 2 minutes of up-downs and side shuffles
Sprint 50 yds to end zone
2 lines in end zone again for 2 minutes of barrel rolls
High step 50 yds to end zone
Circle up for Plankfest for 5 minutes
Regular, Elbows, makhtar ndjiaye’s, Christian Laettners (hate), etc, etc, mumble chatter, etc
Jog to parking lot for 6 MoM, scaling rock on the way.
Dolly, Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Protractor, CCVs

Mole Skin:

-Great showing today, last few weeks I brought a pen and paper and did not need it.  This week I did not bring them and definitely needed it. (forgive me, those of you I miss and please sound off below)

-Still no key to the stadium, it is not from lack of trying.  I will stay on it.

-Thanks to Hops for the beat down today, let me know who wants to step up next.

-Have a great Easter everyone!  Aye


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Escargot author

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11 years ago

Good work at Centurion brother. Look forward to making it part of my weekly regimen.
Those stadium stairs will be a great addition to the Friday painfests at the home of the Cougars.
Practice field not-so-affectionately called “The Pit” by CCHS folks.

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